Septic Systems and Garbage Disposals

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Whether or not to use a garbage disposal with a septic system is a topic that subject to some debate.  The conventional wisdom is that using a garbage disposal will cause your septic field to become clogged and fail much sooner than normal.

On the other hand, many experienced plumbers and sewer septic contractors claim that moderate use of a garbage disposal on a properly sized and maintained septic system is not a problem.  A few people even claim that garbage disposals are good for your septic system because they introduce organic material that help the good bacteria in your septic tank thrive.

With so many conflicting opinions by various experts, finding the right answer can be challenging.  However, research conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency concludes that use of a residential garbage disposer increases the level of suspended solids in the septic tank by 40 to 90 percent and increases the oils and grease by 70 to 150 percent.

What we can conclude from this information is that if you use a garbage disposer on a septic system, you will need more frequent septic tank pumping and may also be sending more suspended solids into the drain field which may contribute to clogging.  However, these solids are mostly organic materials that will decompose in the soil so it may not accumulate in the soil like non-organic material.

The bottom line is that most properly sized and maintained septic systems can probably handle the added load of a garbage disposal.  A reputable local sewer septic contractor can evaluate the load on your septic system and help you decide whether the convenience of a garbage disposal is worth the added load on your septic system.

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