Buying a Home With a Septic System

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If you are in the market for a new home, you will probably find out as much as you can about any house before you make an offer on it.  Remember not to overlook the septic system.  Many buyers pay for a home inspection, but a typical buyer’s home inspection does not include a thorough septic system inspection.

Don’t assume that just because the toilets flush and the sinks drain that the septic system is in good shape.  Replacing a septic system can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 so it is well worth it to have the system thoroughly checked out by a sewer septic professional with experience in septic tank inspections.

A septic system inspection should include having the septic tank pumped out, opened, and visually inspected.  The inspection should also cover the pipes leading to the drain field and typically includes a dye test to look for problems with the drain field.  The inspection may also include detailed inspection of the inside of the pipes using digital video cameras.

It is a good idea to be present during the inspection if possible.  Your inspector will be able to discuss any issues with you and also show you the location of the septic tank and drain field for future reference.  If problems are identified with the septic system, you can use the inspector’s report to negotiate a lower price for the home, have the seller make any necessary repairs, or you may decide not to make an offer on the home at all.

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