When to Replace a Sewer Line

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Though the municipal sewer line that your house is connected to through a sewer lateral is maintained and repaired by the city, care for the sewer lateral ultimately falls to you. That’s why, as a homeowner, it’s important to understand when a simple sewer line repair will suffice, and when you should start considering a complete replacement of the sewer lateral.

If you’ve had recurring sewer line problems, including frequent stoppages and back-ups that are not solved by rodding or hydro-jetting, there’s a good chance that your local sewer repair specialist will recommend replacing the line. This advice is especially sound if you have any plans to sell your home in the foreseeable future, as failure to repair the problem is something you’ll have to disclose to any potential buyers and could very easily drop the value of the home or make it difficult to sell altogether.

If your sewer system is older and comprised of obsolete clay pipes, it’s especially prone to root intrusions and other problems. Cleaning out a clay pipe regularly may delay necessary replacement, but is by no means an absolute fix. To truly restore your sewer lateral to proper working order, replacement of sewer lines comprised of clay or other outdated materials is imperative.

New methods of sewer line replacement often don’t even require complete excavations, which can destroy existing landscaping and damage your lawn. Trenchless sewer replacement systems use a cable with a bursting head, which will split existing pipes and moving them aside to make room for the new pipe as it’s pulled through. This method only requires holes at each end of the line, rather than a full trench along the length of the pipe.

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