Sewer Lateral Care

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If your home is connected to the city sewer line, it’s understandable to assume that you’re absolved from much of the responsibility of caring for your waste water system. In actuality, you are responsible for the private sewer lateral that connects to the public system to carry waste out of your home. Sewer line repairs including repairing cracks and breaks, as well as maintaining a free flowing connection through that lateral, will ultimately be up to you as the property owner.

Thankfully, there are several ways that you can help to protect your sewer lateral and fend off sewer line clogs and breaks. Pouring fats, cooking grease and oils down the drain of your sink is one of the most common causes of lateral clogs, and should be avoided at all costs. Diapers, wipes and even feminine products that are marketed as flushable and biodegradable can also cause problems, especially if your sewer laterals are older and have any intrusions like tree roots or grease build-up.

When you’re planning a new landscaping project, be sure to keep the location of your sewer lateral in mind. The roots of trees and large shrubbery can grow towards any cracks in your sewer lines in search of water, forming root balls and other intrusions that greatly interfere with the flow of water or clog the line altogether.

Even when taking these precautions, it’s wise to install an overflow protection device to ensure that any spills resulting from a clog in either your own sewer lateral or the public line will remain outside, rather than backing up into your home. Sewage overflow in your home can present substantial health risks and property damage; an outside spill, while certainly unpleasant and inconvenient, is much less difficult to clean up and presents fewer health risks.

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