The Danger of Neglecting Sewer and Septic Issues

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When you own your home, making sure that you keep your sewer lines or septic system in top condition is of vital importance. It’s easy to put off a slow-moving drain or a faint odor with the intention of dealing with it later, but unattended septic and sewer problems can snowball over time and become much more costly if they’re neglected.

Sewer Problems

If you live within the city limits and are connected to the municipal sewer system, that doesn’t automatically absolve you from sewer line maintenance. The lines leading from your home to the main line are still your responsibility, and will need to be cared for accordingly. Line clogs, leaks and grease build-up can be relatively easy to fix if they’re caught early, but can be quite costly to repair if they’re allowed to worsen.

Septic Problems

Rural living certainly has its perks, but connection to a municipal sewer line generally isn’t one of them. If your home is located in an area without septic facilities, you’ll have to rely on a septic system to manage waste. Keep an eye out for slow drains, as they’re the first sign of an impending sewage backup that can cause an unpleasant, messy situation. An unexpected sign of possible septic issues is also one area of grass that’s greener and healthier than the rest of your lawn. This often indicates a septic tank leak, which can lead to health and hygiene problems as well as lofty repair bills.

If you notice any difficulties or signs of impending trouble, it’s best to contact an experienced, local sewer and septic professional for a consultation. While dealing with home repairs can be inconvenient, putting them off only allows the problem to become worse and more expensive to repair.

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