Septic Tank Cleaning and Pumping

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The American Ground Water Trust estimates that about one-third of homes in the United States rely upon a septic system to dispose of household waste. If you’re one of those homeowners whose property is not eligible for connection to a municipal sewer line, regular pumping and cleaning of your septic tank will be part of your routine home maintenance.

If you’ve never had a septic tank cleaning, it can be difficult to know what to expect. Depending on the size of your family and the amount of waste your household generates from laundry, showering, toilet flushes and other daily activities, your tank will probably need pumping every three to five years. In some situations, more frequent septic tank pumping may be required. It’s wise to have your septic system inspected on an annual basis, which can help you determine when the ideal time for pumping has arrived. Without regular inspections, you may not realize that the tank needs to be cleaned until it’s too late, which can cost thousands of dollars in repairs and labor charges. Remember, the Environmental Protection Agency does not recommend the use of commercially-available septic tank treatments or additives in place of regular inspections and cleaning. It’s best to discuss these products with a septic professional before you use them, as they can actually throw off the microbial balance of your septic system.

Working with your licensed and experienced septic pumping professional is the best and most effective way of determining when your tank will need to be pumped, and learning what to expect during the process. A septic professional will also be able to answer any questions you may have regarding the pumping process, and help you maintain your system between cleanings for peak efficiency.

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