Are Your Trees Attacking Your Sewer Pipes?

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Few things on your property are as attractive to tree roots as underground sewer pipes. Tree roots are naturally designed to go in search of water and nutrients in the soil, both of which travel through your sewer lines in your yard. It should be no surprise that these strong and relentless roots will wrap themselves around your underground sewer lines, looking for cracks to invade. Over time, these roots can overtake your sewer pipes, causing them to crack, clog or even burst.

Preventing Sewer Pipe Tree Root Invasion

If you have large trees in your yard and older sewer lines, it’s usually only a matter of time before they meet under your lawn. There are only a few ways to prevent tree root invasion: remove the trees, move your sewer pipes, or consider relining or replacing your old sewer pipes. While you can use hydrojetting to clear out roots or even have your clogged sewer lines cleared with an auger, this is only a temporary solution. To resolve the issue for good, it’s wise to consider some more permanent solutions.

  • Tree removal. While not a popular or inexpensive option, removing the trees and their stumps is one way to prevent invasion of their roots into your sewer lines. Stumps can continue to grow roots, so they usually must be removed as well.
  • Replacing or moving your sewer pipes. Moving your pipes is one option, but there is a chance the tree roots will just follow. Replacing older, fitted pipes with newer options like joint-free polyethelyne pipes can prevent tree root invasion.
  • Relining existing pipes. Many sewer companies offer relining of existing pipes with an interior coating which fills cracks and holes, preventing future tree root invasions.

Call your local sewer professional to discuss ways to prevent future damage to your sewer lines from your beautiful trees, and you may find they don’t have to be sacrificed in order to protect your plumbing.

Posted on behalf of Keith Lee, Metro Septic and Plumbing


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