Keep Grease And Fat Out Of Your Septic System

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One of the most common culprits of septic problems is grease and fat, which can find their way down the drain and into the septic system. Just like unhealthy fat can clog the arteries in your circulatory system, fat and grease can clog up your drains and septic as well. Once they’re poured down the drain, they will begin to build up in the pipes and septic system until they are either removed or contribute to a complete septic system failure. The best way to avoid these problems is to teach your family the importance of keeping these items out of the drains.

Preventing Grease Overload In Your Septic

Grease and fat collect inside of your plumbing, sewer lines and eventually end up in your septic tank. This accumulates on the top layer of your tank, and can eventually push down the liquid underneath, pressuring it out into the exit pipes and leach field. If this fatty substance goes into the exit pipes, it can clog these pipes and drain holes. The best way to prevent this from happening to limit the amount of fat and grease going down your drains in the first place.

Make a point of removing all fat and grease from plates and pans before they are rinsed in the sink. Have a metal container to pour hot grease into after cooking, which can be later disposed of in the garbage. By scraping fat and grease from plates and pans and wiping them out with a paper towel before trying to rinse them in the sink, you will remove the majority of the fat which can end up in your plumbing and septic system.

Even with preventive measures, some oils and fats can and often do make their way into the septic system. The only way to remove it once in the system is to schedule regular septic tank pumping before it causes problems. Be sure to work with a septic professional in your area to keep your system in peak condition, and you’ll be able to avoid potentially damaging and expensive problems in the future.

Posted on behalf of Septic Service Pro

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