Are Septic Tank Additives Needed?

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Many people find that when they have their septic tanks pumped that they are encouraged by the workmen and workwomen to buy an enzymatic additive to keep the septic system “healthy.” So is this true, or are these workers just trying to sell a product and earn commission?

Research shows that people should save their money and allow the natural function of the septic tank to do its thing. The septic tank is alive with millions of naturally occurring bacteria that are there to break down the majority of the solid waste that enters the tank. When solids are broken down by the bacteria, they turn into gasses or liquids that rise to the top of the tank and flow into the drain field where it percolates into the soil. When this water reaches the drain field there are more millions of bacteria waiting for it there to continue the breakdown of waste in the water.

Studies have proven that most of the septic tank additives on the market do not do much of anything. It is also important to note that some additives can actually be harmful to a septic system. Many additives claiming to “aid in the breakdown of waste” actually kill the naturally occurring bacteria. The bacteria are a main function of the septic tank, so when they are killed the septic tank will require more maintenance and more frequent septic tank pumping. In fact, in the state of Washington there is a ban on septic tank additives because of the way in which they interfere with the natural function of the septic system.

People should save their money and focus their attention to properly caring for their septic systems.

Posted on behalf of Mike Smith, A-Flo Free Septic


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