Are Septic Additives Effective?

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There are a countless number of additives available for septic systems. They claim anything from helping to increase the number of healthy bacteria in the septic tank, breaking down waste faster, and keeping tanks “trouble free” right on the package. However, many people are asking the question of whether or not these septic additives are effective?

Research over the last decade has provided quite a bit of information in argument against adding anything to a septic system. In fact, in the state of Washington, legislature banned the use, sale, and distribution of septic tank additives.

Many of the products available on the shelves in popular home improvement stores contain bacteria and enzymes. These products claim that the wastewater in homes is less effective at producing bacteria because of cleaning solvents used in dishwashing, bathing, and laundry. However, research has shown the opposite to be true. Septic systems greatly exceed the numbers of naturally occurring bacteria as opposed to additives claiming to “produce more bacteria.” In fact, research has found that ingredients in commonly used additives can create even more problems because those ingredients were never meant to enter the septic system in the first place.

Instead of adding expensive additives that do not help a septic system (and may actually cause damage in the long run), by monitoring water usage and scheduling regular septic tank pumping, consumers can keep their tanks “trouble free” on their own.

Posted on behalf of Metro Septic and Plumbing

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