Signs That a Septic System Needs Repair

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A light flickers letting someone know that a blub is about to burn out. An electric toothbrush refuses to hold a charge long enough for a thorough tooth cleaning. A car sputters right before it runs out of gas. Most things in life give warning signs before an issue comes up; some of which are simple, and some of which are not. A septic system is one thing in life that people do not want to ignore any warning signs that an issue is about to arise. By knowing the warning signs, people can help to prevent major and costly repairs.

All septic systems are designed to remove wastewater from a home. It is designed to work on its own and to function for many years. However, there are some telltale signs that trouble is on the horizon with a septic system. Toilets that are slow to flush or do not flush all the way are signs that a drain (or drains) to the septic tank are clogged or blocked. Many times these drain lines can be cleared with a simple plumbing technique, but severe clogs or blockages may require professional help.

Foul odors coming out of the pipes within a home or from the yard where the septic tank is buried is a good indicator that the tank is cracked. Standing water in the drain field also indicates that there is a leak someone within the tank or draining pipes.

While all of these indicators are signs of trouble, by addressing them immediately people are often able to avoid extremely high costs in repairs. However, severe damage to a septic system cannot be ignored, as there are serious health concerns associated with improper disposal of waste. If any signs are apparent in a septic system that point to unwanted issues, have them resolved immediately to avoid a higher cost of repair.

Posted on behalf of Metro Septic and Plumbing


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