Three Signs of Septic System Problems

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Most septic systems can function without issues for years on end with no major issues, especially if they’re inspected regularly by a septic professional. Annual inspections can uncover any potential problems before they happen, providing you with the opportunity to fix these issues before you encounter a septic emergency. Some problems can still occur, however, leading to sewer backups and even a complete system failure. To resolve these problems quickly, here are three signs that your septic system is not working correctly:

  1. Foul Odors — One of the first and most noticeable signs of a brewing septic problem is a foul odor. This could be in your home, your yard or near your drain field. If your septic system is working correctly, you shouldn’t be experiencing bad odor at all, as the waste should be contained within the system.
  2. Pooling Water — If you see pooling water in your yard, around your septic tank or in your drain field, something may be amiss in your system. Wet areas in your yard could mean a broken or leaking sewer pipe, while pooling water near your septic tank could mean a leak in your tank. Drain fields with wet areas are a sign the water isn’t draining correctly into the ground, and can result in septic failure.
  3. Sewer Backups — If you’re noticing that drains in your home are slow or wastewater backing up in sinks or bathtubs, you need to call your septic professional. It’s possible that you’re dealing with an interior plumbing problem, but it can also be a sign of a major problem within your septic system.

Any of these signs is a good reason to call in a professional to get your system inspected. Early detection of septic problems is the best way to reduce the cost of repair, and to avoid needing a full system replacement.

Posted on behalf of:
Metro Septic LLC
1210 N Tennessee St
Cartersville, GA 30120
(678) 873-7934

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