Five Things to Avoid if You Own a Septic System

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Septic systems are notoriously expensive to replace, making maintenance the most important aspect of owning a septic. While annual inspections and regular tank pumping are a big part of maintenance of your septic system, the most important parts of system protection are remembering the things you shouldn’t do. Here are five things to avoid to help preserve the integrity of your septic system and prolong its life.

  • Fat and grease. Fat, grease and oil are poison to a septic system, creating more waste which needs to be pumped and causing issues in the system. Avoid allowing fats and oils to be dumped down drains. Scrape out cooking pans and wipe them clean of fats and grease before washing them in the sink or dishwater.
  • Tree roots. It’s important to know where your sewer lines and septic components are when planting new trees in your yard. Tree roots are attracted to the moisture in your septic system, and root intrusion can cause serious trouble.
  • Drain field compression. Under no circumstance should vehicles be allowed to drive over your drain field. This can damage the drain field and even result in septic system failure.
  • Excess water use. Conserving water use can add years onto the life of your septic system. Practice water conservation by avoiding running water down drains unnecessarily and fixing water leaks immediately.
  • Chemicals. Household chemicals, like bleach and other harsh agents, can destroy the bacteria in your septic tank and make it less efficient. Antibacterial cleaners are specifically harmful to this delicate balance, so be careful not to overuse these products. 

Keeping your septic system healthy is easier to do if you can avoid these common issues. When paired with regular maintenance, many septic systems can last for decades.

Posted on behalf of:
Seagraves Plumbing Sewer & Septic
4980 Plant Atkinson Rd SE
Smyrna, GA 30080
(494) 792-2221

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