What Is A Septic D-Box?

One of the many components found in traditional septic systems is a distribution box, or d-box. This is a small collection box located between the septic tank and the drain field, usually only a few feet wide and long with a few different outlet which disperse affluent to different areas in the drain field that comes from the septic tank.

D-Box Basics

Many d-boxes are made from concrete, but they can also be made from fiberglass or plastic. The box will have several outlets, as well as an inlet from the septic tank. The d-box must be sealed, with a removable lid. Specifications for installation may vary in different states, counties and cities, but most boxes are put in the ground, no more than 12 inches from the surface.

The importance of the d-box is in the distribution of affluent. This spreads the affluent to several different drain pipes, which allow the affluent to be properly filtered through the soil. Never remove a d-box without replacing it with a new box. Your local septic service company can install a new box or repair it.

A leaking or flooding d-box is the most common problem with this component. Most flooding issues are a problem with the drain field, not the box. Leaks can happen as the box corrodes though, creating a need for replacement. If you notice pooling or flooding around your d-box, you should call your septic professional immediately. Problems with the d-box can lead to destruction of your drain field and end in expensive septic system failures. Your septic service technician can offer solutions for replacement or repair.

Posted on behalf of:
A-Flo Free Septic
Lawrenceville, GA
(770) 927-7926