How Long Will a Septic System Last?

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Every septic system is designed to last its ideal lifespan of at least 30 years. However, it should not simply be assumed that your septic system will last those 30 years – there are requirements that need to be done in order for that benchmark to be reached. Keeping your septic system regularly maintained and by reducing the stress on the system, the life of a septic system can reach 30 years and may even last longer!

The most important factor in extending the life of your septic system is making sure that it is the proper size for your home. Determining the number of bedrooms is one key to figuring out the correct size of your septic system. However, if there are people sharing bedrooms then those “extra” people need to be accounted for. For example, a typical septic tank for a three-bedroom home is generally sized for four people (two adults in the master and one person in each remaining room). However, if there are really six people living in the home, then the size requirements of the septic tank have changed significantly. Proper sizing matters!

Regular maintenance of septic systems is also highly important. Septic systems need to be pumped every 3-5 years; those with a garbage disposal should be pumped annually. Regular septic tank pumping will help to extend the life of your septic tank.

It is also important to carefully monitor what goes down the drain. Anything that cannot be broken down easily by the natural bacteria that lives in the septic system should not be put down the drain.

By giving your septic tank a little TLC it can last you and your home for many years, even decades. Replacing a septic tank is a hassle – an expensive one. When cared for properly, your septic system can be a well-functioning system that serves your home well.

Posted on behalf of Septic Service Pro

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