Signs of Septic Problems

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If you own a septic system, you may go years without needing to do any repairs as long as you have regular maintenance performed. However, it is usually only a matter of time before you will have some type of repair that is needed. Knowing the signs of septic problems can help you identify the issue before it becomes a large septic problem. Here are a few signs that you may need septic repair:

  • Slow drains. If you begin noticing that you have slow drains throughout your home, you may be having a septic problem. It could be a clog in your sewer pipes or your tank may be getting full.
  • Foul odor. Septic systems that are working properly should not be release a foul odor. If you begin noticing a foul odor coming from your drains, yard or drain field, call a septic professional to inspect your system.
  • Wet areas. Wet ground near sewer lines, your septic tank or your drain field can be sign of problems. It may be a leak or a malfunctioning drain field, all which require professional repair.
  • Greener grass. A sign that your leech or drain field is not working correctly is if the grass covering the area becomes very green or is growing faster than other areas. This can caused by effluent that is not draining, feeding the grass.

If you have any of these signs, it is time to call your local septic professional. Many times catching these problems early can reduce the repair costs and prevent a septic system failure. Have your entire system inspected to determine the problem so it can be repaired as quickly as possible.

Posted on behalf of:
Septic Service Pro, LLC
Peachtree Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30334
(678) 292-8728

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