Help Extend the Life of Your Septic System With Water Conservation

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Conserving water can save you money on you water and energy bills.  According to EPA estimates, just replacing your bathroom fixtures with energy efficient faucets, showerhead, and toilets can save about 7,000 gallons of water a year.  That’s water you not only don’t have to pay for, but also water that does not end up in your septic system.  The less waste water that flows through your septic system, the longer you can go between septic tank pumping and the longer your drain field will last.

Septic systems work by accumulating wastewater in a septic tank where the solid material settles to the bottom of the tank.  The waste water then flows into the drain field where it leeches into the soil and is purified through natural biological action.  A properly sized and maintained septic system can provide great service for years, but like anything else, the more use it gets the more maintenance it needs and the sooner it will wear out.

Installing water efficient fixtures is a great way to save water.  In addition, if you use a dishwasher only run it when it’s full and avoid pre-washing dishes unless absolutely necessary.  In the laundry room, avoid running small loads but if you do, reduce the water level in the washing machine.  Also, doing too many loads of laundry in a short time period can overload your septic system.  Doing a load or two a day will allow your septic system time to treat and disburse the waste water.

Even small measures like not leaving the water running while shaving or brushing your teeth can help.  Over time, these small amounts add up to big savings and ease the load on your septic system.

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