Common Causes of Septic System Failures

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For most homeowners, having regular septic tank inspections and pumping your septic tank when necessary will help keep your septic system in good working order.  Between inspections, proper usage of your septic system will contribute to keeping it healthy.

Flushing too many chemicals down the drain can cause problems with your septic system.  Bacteria and other microorganisms in the system help decompose the solid materials and chemicals can kill these good bacteria and organisms.  Dispose of paint thinners and similar chemicals properly and use household cleaning and disinfecting products like toilet bowl cleaners sparingly.

Overloading the septic system with heavy water usage can contribute to clogging up your drain field because it forces effluent into the drain field before the solid material can settle to the bottom of the septic tank.  Spacing your water usage such as doing a few loads of laundry a day rather than all the loads at once can help.

Speaking of laundry, lint from the washing machine can lead to a septic system failure because it finds its way into the drain field and clogs up the soil.  You can have a lint filter installed that will help reduce this problem.

Garbage disposals pose a similar problem.  The finely ground material gets into the drain field and clogs it up rather than settling to the bottom of the septic tank.  Use garbage disposals carefully or consider installing a garbage disposal specifically designed for septic systems.

Driving across the drain field can compact the soil and impair the ability of the drain field to absorb waste water.  Keep vehicles off the drain field.

Properly using your septic system will help keep it trouble free for years to come.

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