Professional Drain Cleaning Alternatives

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A slow or backed up drain at your home or business is at best an inconvenience and at worst a sign of a serious problem.  Unless the clogged drain responds quickly to a few simple techniques that most homeowners can handle, an experienced plumber should be called as soon as possible to clear the clogged drain.

Not only does your plumber have the experience and equipment to handle drain cleaning quickly and safely, but they also be able to tell if your slow or backed up drain is a localized clog or a sign of a much more serious problem.

If the problem is with a single sink, toilet, tub, or other drain, then the homeowner may want to try clearing the clog using a household plunger or plumbing snake.  Be careful if using a plumbing snake.  Used improperly they can damage pipes and if it gets caught in the plumbing you will have an even bigger problem.

When these methods fail, or if more than one drain is backed up, it’s time to call a drain cleaning professional.  There could be a problem such as a collapsed sewer or septic drain line or the drain line could be infiltrated by tree roots.

A sewer septic professional will be able to identify these and other problems using a high tech video camera to inspect the inside of the pipes.  Once the problem is identified, your plumber can provide repair alternatives or clear the clog using high pressure hydro-jetting or professional powered drain cleaning augers.

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