What Factors Affect Septic Tank Pumping Frequency?

If you ask a septic professional how often you should pump your tank, you will get either a short or long answer. The short answer is “it depends” while the longer one will most likely include a long list of variables. Here are some factors that will affect how often you need septic tank pumping:

  • Tank size. Your septic tank was designed for the size of your home, usually based on the number of bedrooms in the house. The bigger the tank, the less often it will need to be pumped.
  • Household members. The tank size versus the number of people in your household will influence how often you need to have a pumping service. A big house with only 2-3 people may be able to go three years or more without pumping. A 2-bedroom home with four adults living in it may need septic tank pumping every year.
  • Special events. Big parties or guests through the holidays can impact how often you need your tank emptied.
  • Age of the system. An older septic system may not be as efficient, requiring more frequent septic tank pumping.
  • Garbage disposal. If you use a garbage disposal in your home, it can increase the solid waste in your tank. Consider composting or other options if you want to reduce solid waste.
  • Vacations and other homes. If you take frequent trips or vacations, you may not need to have your tank pumped as often.

There is not a simple answer to how often you will need your septic tank pumped; it can change as your life changes. The best way to stay on top of your pumping schedule is to have your tank and system inspected by a septic professional annually.

Posted on behalf of:
Hunter’s Septic Service
Nesbit, MS 38651
(662) 429-1686

Prevent a Septic Backup with Regular Pumping

If you own a home or business with a septic system, you know that eventually you will need to have it pumped, but when? There is not a set amount of time between pumping intervals since it is different for every system. However, if you wait too long, you will find out quickly what happens when your tank is full. A septic backup is a nasty way to be reminded that it is time to schedule your tank to be pumped. Here are a few tips to prevent a backup from an overfull septic tank:

  • Has it been two years since your last pumping? If it has been over two years since your last septic tank pumping, it may be coming due again. Most homes have their tanks pumped every 2-5 years, depending of the amount of use.
  • Is the sludge within 12-inches of the outlet pipe? The only way to know whether your tank is full is to check the level of the sludge. Once the sludge level in the tank is within a foot of the outlet pipe to your drain field, then it is time to have it pumped.
  • Keep up on routine maintenance. If you have your septic system serviced every year, your local septic service will keep an eye on your tank level for you. They will let you know when it is getting close to time for a pumping.

Don’t wait for a septic backup in your home to tell you it is time to have your tank pumped. Call to schedule a routine service on your septic to ensure your entire system is in good shape, including the waste level inside your tank.

Posted on behalf of:
Septic Service Pro, LLC
Peachtree Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30334
(678) 292-8728

Beware of Hidden Costs of Septic Tank Pumping

If you own a home or business with a septic tank, you already know that pumping your tank will be required. Solid waste that cannot be broken down in the tank will need to be removed periodically. While this is an expense, it should be a reasonable fee that can be added into your budget. However, there are some companies that may advertising low cost septic tank pumping, then hit you with hidden fees and costs that may be more than you expected. Here are some tips to avoid being overcharged for this service.

  • Choose a reputable septic company. Unfortunately, almost every home service industry has a few companies that make money from dishonest pricing scams. Septic service is no exception. You can avoid these issues by choosing a local, reputable company that has been in business for many years and has excellent customer reviews.
  • Ask for a written estimate (and read the fine print). Get a written quote or estimate for your septic service before the work begins and read any disclaimers. While any repairs may be extra, make sure that all expenses for pumping is included in the estimate.
  • Too good to be true. See a super low advertised price for septic pumping? Make sure that is a flat fee with no additional costs, fees or “taxes” that are not included. As with most services, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Avoid unexpected expenses when it comes time to pump your septic tank. Hire a reputable, local septic company that offers flat-fee septic pumping with no hidden costs to keep the expense of maintaining your septic system within your budget.

Posted on behalf of:
Bynum & Sons Plumbing, Inc.
2120 McDaniels Bridge Rd SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
(770) 736-8283

Septic Tank Pumping Basics

All septic tanks need to be pumped to remove solid waste that accumulates over time. However, how often this needs to be performed is dependent on many factors. The size of the tank, the amount of people living in the home and the habits of the home dwellers all impacts the frequency of septic tank pumping.

In general, most septic tanks will need to be pumped every 3-5 years if the tank is the right size for the home. Septic tanks usually must meet local regulations for size based on how many bedrooms are in the home. The idea is that a four-bedroom home is more likely to have more people living in the home and will need a larger septic tank to accommodate the family waste needs. But this is not always the case, which is one of the reasons why septic tank pumping times can greatly vary.

For example, there may only be two people living in a four-bedroom home, meaning they are filling a septic tank made to handle four or more people living in that home. It is likely that the tank would only need to be pumped every five years or even more. But a small two-bedroom home with four people living inside may need to have its tank pumped every 1-2 years instead of waiting until the third year.

Also, the amount of debris put down the drains in the home will affect pumping frequency. Solid waste is what is pumped out, so excess food debris, paper and other items put down the drains can increase how often a septic needs to be pumped.

Since there are so many factors that can affect how often a septic tank should be pumped, it is prudent to have the tank inspected once a year by a septic professional to ensure it does not become over full and is functioning correctly. Schedule your inspection today.

Posted on behalf of:
A-Flo Free Septic
Lawrenceville, GA
(770) 927-7926

Is Your Septic Ready to Handle the Upcoming Holidays?

Thanksgiving and the rest of the end-of-year holidays mean plenty of festivities at your home, often including out-of-town guests taking over guest bedrooms and pull-out couches. Large meals, holiday beverages and extra people in your home means your septic system will be working overtime. The extra stress can cause an overload, turning your happy holidays into a messy septic backup. Prevent septic emergencies with these pre-holiday septic maintenance tips.

  • Schedule routine maintenance. Now is the perfect time to schedule your annual inspection. Let your local septic experts inspect your system to identify any issues before you have a house full of people during the holidays.
  • Check your pumping schedule. Are you coming due for a septic tank pump? If you had planned to have your tank pumped in the next six months, it may be better to do it before the holidays, just in case.
  • Plan for extra water use. On weeks where extra guests will be arriving, plan to do heavy water use before they arrive. Catch up on all laundry, pet baths and other cleaning/cooking chores a day or more before they arrive to cut down on water use when guests are in your home.
  • House rules. Not all your guests may understand the limitations of a septic system. Hang a sign in your guest bathroom to remind guests not to flush anything beyond waste and toilet paper down the toilet.

No one wants to have a septic emergency in the middle of a holiday weekend. By preparing ahead of time, most common septic issues can be avoided so you can enjoy your time with friends and family over the holidays.

Posted on behalf of:
Seagraves Plumbing Sewer & Septic
4980 Plant Atkinson Rd SE
Smyrna, GA 30080
(494) 792-2221


Reducing the Frequency of Septic Tank Pumping

One of the larger maintenance expenses owning a home with a septic system is the pumping service that is needed every few years. While the pumping itself is often not extremely expensive, the disposal of the waste usually adds quite a bit to the labor and service costs. Most homes with septic system will need pumping every 2-3 years, depending on their waste levels. Here are a few ways to keep those septic pumping services to a minimum.

To start, you need to understand why and how often most septic tanks must be pumped. Septic tanks collect sludge at the bottom of the tank that is solid waste that has not decomposed. Most organic material will breakdown and be able to exit the tank and be filter through the drain field. So reducing the solid waste is key to reducing pumping frequency.

Tanks should be pumped when the sludge level is at or approaching 30% full, so in a 1,000 gallon septic tank you only want about 300 gallons or less before you have it pumped. Each adult will add about 40-60 gallons of solid biological waste per year. So what needs to be reduced is the addition of any other solid waste.

Any toilet paper, paper towels, hygiene products or even food waste can add to the sludge level in your septic tank. Use toilet paper that is designed for septic tanks or is easily biodegradable and keep other paper and cotton product out of the toilets. Also, to ensure your septic tank can function properly to breakdown most of the solid waste, keep chemicals out of your drains; they can destroy the bacteria needed for your septic to work properly.

Even with careful maintenance, you will still need to have your tank pumped every three to five years. An annual inspection by your local septic service can keep you informed on when you should schedule your next pumping.

Posted on behalf of:
Metro Septic LLC
1210 N Tennessee St
Cartersville, GA 30120
(678) 873-7934

Don’t Be Fooled By Low Cost Septic Pumping Ads

Have you ever seen advertisements for septic pumping for $150? If you own a home with a septic system, that price may sound very alluring. Most septic tanks cost around $400 or more to have pumped, so how can these companies do the job so cheaply? The fact is that they don’t. Most of these ads are for the pumping alone, but do not include all the other costs. So that you know what to expect, here are some fees that a septic service company should disclose when you ask about their pumping costs.

  • Pumping. There is usually a base fee for pumping different sized tanks. Make sure their pumping fee includes all the costs of pumping, including labor, gas and equipment.
  • Waste disposal. After your tank is pumped, that waste must be properly disposed according to local regulations. In most cases, this fee is almost as much as what the cost of pumping the tank will cost, which is one of the main reasons those low price ads are misleading.
  • Digging up the tank lid. If the company needs to located the tank and dig up the septic lid, that is also an extra cost.

Most of the base costs for septic pumping are for tanks that are easy to access, have been well maintained and do not have excess sludge or scum. When getting a quote for a septic pumping, making sure to ask about any additional fees that could increase the price. While most septic companies are honest, there are those that may have hidden fees that could be a shock when you go to pay the bill.

Reputable septic companies will be more than happy to breakdown the costs of their septic pumping service so you know exactly what to expect. Just beware of those that claim to have unreasonably low fees – in the end, the bill may be higher than anyone else in town would charge!

Posted on behalf of:
A-Flo Free Septic
Lawrenceville, GA
(770) 927-7926

Reducing the Frequency of Septic Tank Pumping

A fact of life for homeowners with a septic system is that eventually your septic tank will need to be pumped. Most septic tanks need to be pumped every two to five years, depending on the size of family, size of the tank and the wastewater that enters the septic system. To reduce the frequency of pumping, you must affect one of these factors. Since the size of your family or tank is not likely to change without major changes, the easiest way to reduce pumping frequency is to monitor the waste that you put into your septic system.

Minimize Solid Waste in Your Septic Tank

Any solid waste that goes into your septic system can increase the frequency that you will need your tank pumped. Although some waste will breakdown in the tank, there are other waste products that are difficult or impossible to dissolve, making your tank fill faster. Here are some solids to keep out of your wastewater to reduce pumping frequency:

–          Paper products. Get your family in the habit of not flushing paper products down the toilet. Although some biodegradable toilet paper is tolerable, keep feminine hygiene products, “flushable” wet wipes and other paper/cotton items out of the toilet.

–          Clothing. If your washer wastewater goes into your septic tank, make sure to shake off clothing of waste solids before you put them in the washer.

–          Food products. Be careful of what you put down the kitchen sink. Do not rinse dishes off in the sink and allow the food to go down the drain. Rinse them in a container and dump the gray water outside.

These tips can help you reduce how often you need a professional septic tank pumping at your home. If you are still pumping every two years or less, you may want to invest in a larger septic tank for your home.

Posted on behalf of:
Septic Service Pro, LLC
Peachtree Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30334
(678) 292-8728

Preparing Your Septic System for Summer Festivities

Summer is full of fun occasions with friends and family, from the first big Memorial Day weekend barbeque to the final Labor Day party. If you like to host these festive parties, you can have many extra people visiting and staying at your home, putting strain on your septic system. To ensure that your summer gatherings are not interrupted by a septic failure, make sure you prepare your septic system and home for the extra sewer waste. Here are a few tips: 

Schedule an inspection. Before you have your next big party, make sure to have your septic system inspected and annual maintenance performed. This is a good way to ensure that everything is in good working order before your guests arrive.

Ask about septic tank pumping. When you have your septic inspected, make sure to talk to your septic professional about pumping. Explain you will have excess use over the summer. Although with regular use it may not need pumping, it may be a good idea if there will be heavier use over the summer.

Plan ahead. Before your big parties, plan to do heavier water use in the days prior to guests arriving. Get laundry caught up and other high water uses done to avoid too much water in one 24-hour period.

Educate your guests. Not everyone understands the limits of a septic system. Make a bathroom sign to educate your guests on what not to flush down the toilet. A little sign can save a lot of money down the road in septic problems.

By preparing your septic system for the heavier waste during your summer gatherings, you can avoid having an embarrassing and expensive septic failure. Call your local septic service company today to start your preventive maintenance.

Posted on behalf of:
A-Flo Free Septic
Lawrenceville, GA
(770) 927-7926

Staying on Top of Septic Pumping

Your septic tank has a limited capacity, usually around 1,000 gallons, depending on the size of your home. While much of the solid waste going into your tank will be dissolved into effluent through the natural decomposition process, there’s always some solid waste left behind. This “sludge” eventually fills the tank, needing to be physically removed through pumping by a septic professional.

When to Schedule a Septic Tank Cleansing

The time to clean or pump is determined by the level of sludge in your tank. Pumping should be done once the sludge begins to approach the outlet pipe, where effluent leaves the tank for the drain field. Once the top of the submerged sludge is within approximately 12 inches of the outlet pipe, it’s time to have your septic tank pumped.

Most septic system tanks only need to be pumped every 2-5 years. The variance is due to how much solid waste is accumulated from the home and the size of the tank. Good septic practices, such as not using a garbage disposal and reducing fat and oils allowed down the drain, can reduce how often a tank needs to be pumped. Although there are commercially avialable chemicals which claim to extend the time between pumping, these are often ineffective.

The best way to stay on top of when your septic tank needs to be pumped is to have an annual inspection of your entire system. It’s very difficult for most homeowners to determine where the sludge level is within their tanks, so having a professional check the tank level each year can prevent expensive tank overflows.

Posted on behalf of:
A-Flo Free Septic
Lawrenceville, GA
(770) 927-7926