New Septic System Owner Basics

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If you have recently purchased a home with a septic system, you may be at a loss when it comes to how to care for your system. A septic system requires a higher level of maintenance by homeowners than being on a city sewer system. However, with some help from a trusted septic service company, you can keep your system running smoothly, without any major mishaps. Here are a few septic basics that every homeowner needs to know.

–        Drain field. Your septic system will have some sort of drain or leach field. A mound system will be easy to spot as it is above ground. A traditional drain field is only a few inches under the ground and needs to be protected. Keep vehicles and heavy equipment away from this area.

–        What goes down, must come out. All solid waste must be pumped out of your septic tank eventually. Learn not to put solid items like food, paper and other debris down your drains and toilets. Also, reducing your water use can help extend the life of your septic system.

–        Regular maintenance. Your septic system will need regular maintenance. The easiest solution for those who are new to owning a septic system is to hire a septic service company to keep up with these vital tasks. Many septic companies offer specialized programs designed to inspect and perform regular maintenance on your septic system throughout the year.

–        Know the signs of a septic program. Talk to your septic professional about common signs of a septic problem. These can include wet areas or pooling in your drain field, foul odors and slow drains. Catching these issues quickly can prevent a septic failure, which can cost thousands of dollars for repair or complete replacement.

Posted on behalf of:
A-Flo Free Septic
Lawrenceville, GA
(770) 927-7926

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