Caring For Your Septic Tank

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One of the most important components of your septic system is the holding tank. Used to hold your sewage water before it’s filtered out to your drainfield, your septic tank is more than just a pit to hold waste in the ground. It treats all the waste that comes from your home, allowing naturally-occuring bacteria to break down the biodegradable components, while separating solid waste from liquid. To keep the tank working efficiently, some regular maintenance and care is required. Here are a few tips to care for your tank: 

  • Annual inspections. Schedule an inspection once a year with a professional septic service company for your tank. Your technician can check the bacteria content, the moving components and ensure the tank is working effectively.
  • Limit solid waste. What goes down your drains or is flushed down the toilet ends up in your septic tank. Keep your tank free of non-biodegradable items to reduce the wear and tear on your tank and system, as well as reducing the amount of waste that will need to be pumped.
  • Limit the amount of waste water. Not all waste water needs to go into your septic tank. Divert gray water from your sump pump and other non-toxic water sources to drain elsewhere, instead of through your septic tank.
  • Pump regularly. How often you need to pump your septic tank depends on its size, as well as how much waste is filtered through the tank by your household. Your septic service company will check your tank level during your annual inspection to advise you about when you need to have your tank pumped. 

By caring for your septic tank, you can extend the life of your tank and septic system, plus reduce the amount of repairs and emergency septic problems you encounter along the way. It’s worth the investment in regular maintenance to save you time and money off septic issues in the future.

Posted on behalf of Find Local Sewer Septic


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