Septic To Sewer Costs

If you are one of those fortunate homeowners who has the option of converting from a septic system to a sewer connection, be sure to carefully balance the costs against the benefits to see if a septic to sewer conversion is right for you.  The total cost of converting to sewer varies widely depending on your situation, but it can range from$5,000 to $10,000 to complete the job.

First, the new sewer line has to be installed. This involves digging a trench from your home to the municipal sewer line, compacting the soil, and installing the new sewer lateral.  In many cases, installing the sewer lateral is pretty straightforward, but in some cases the sewer lateral will need to be routed under sidewalks, driveways, and patios.  In addition, it can be a little more complicated if the septic system was located in the back of the house because most sewer mains are in front of the house.

Another component that should be factored in is the fee for connecting to the sewer. These fees vary widely, but are commonly between $2,000 and $5,000.  Sometimes the hookup fee is waived or reduced for existing homes that hook up within a year or two of the sewer extension.

Finally, your old septic system will need to be closed.  The septic tank should be pumped, then the lid to the septic tank will be crushed and dropped into the tank.  The septic tank will then be filled with soil.  Abandoning your septic system should cost around $1,000.