Sounds That Are Signs Of Septic Problems

Most people think of smell or sight when they think of senses used to identify septic problems. However, your ears can warn you of septic trouble as well. Plumbing pipes which are making a gurgling sound can alert you to a septic problem. By using all your senses, including your ears, you may be able to get the problem fixed before it becomes a larger and more expensive issue.

Listen To What Your Pipes Are Telling You

Water rushing through pipes is a common and normal sound. But when you hear a strange gurgling noise, there’s likely something amiss in your septic system. This odd sound is very distinct, letting you know that your waste water is not draining as it should be. This is generally a sign that you have a clogged drain line or backed up septic system, which will begin backing up into your home if not fixed quickly.

If you hear a gurgling noise in your pipes, you can investigate further by using your other senses. Take a walk around your drain field and septic area. Look for signs of excess water, note if there are any foul odors. In your house, check your drains in the lower levels of the house to see if they are draining properly or are slower than usual, and also be aware of any odors. This can help you determine how severe the back up is before you call a septic professional to take a more in-depth look.

The quicker you are able to spot a septic problem, the faster it can be fixed. Allowing a clog to become a full septic backup can cost you time and money, as well as be very inconvenient. This tell-tale gurgling is often the first sign of septic troubles, so keep your ears open!

Posted on behalf of Septic Service Pro