Water Conservation and a Septic System

Septic systems are designed to handle a certain amount of water. Proper sizing of a septic tank for a home is a huge component in ensuring that the system will last for twenty-five or thirty years. But more than just proper sizing, water conservation will also help to extend the life of a septic system. Septic systems function at their highest capacity when they are not overloaded with too much water. By taking just two simple steps, people can ensure that their water usage is appropriate for their home’s septic system.

First, it is important that there are no leaking pipes, faucets, toilets, shower or bath heads, or outside plumbing fixtures. It is a good idea to check the plumbing inside a home on a regular basis to make sure that the toilets are not constantly running, there is no drip constantly leaking water, etc. A small lead can add up very quickly. Making sure that water is not leaking or constantly running is a first step in water conservation.

Second, it is important for people to consider laundry when they are trying to determine their water usage. By adjusting the settings on a washer per load (small, medium, large), people can conserve water. Also, by doing one load per day instead of waiting to do all the laundry for a five person family on one single day, the amount of water that will be flushed into the septic tank will be a more consistent level instead of flooding it all at once.

These two steps of water conservation can make a huge difference in the performance of a septic system. By treating water as a valued resource that is meant to be managed, people can help to ensure that their septic systems last for many years.

Posted on behalf of Septic Service Pro