Protecting Your Local Water Supply with BackFlow Prevention

Water quality issues have been making national headlines, making everyone more aware of the possibility of water contamination. One of the ways that local water supplies are protected is through the use of backflow preventers. These devices ensure that toxic water is not accidentally allowed to enter the main water supply, keeping your local water safe.

When a Backflow Preventer is Needed

When you use a local municipal water supply, your home or business is hooked up to the main water line. The force of the water pressure from the main line usually controls any water coming back from your property into the main system. However, there can be situations such as a broken water main or other circumstances that could lower the water pressure, allowing water from homes and businesses to flow back into the main water supply.

This can be dangerous when you have an irrigation system that is connected to the water system. Chemicals used in your lawn could seep into your irrigation system and if the water pressure waned, those chemicals could backflow into the main water supply. This is where a backflow preventer can stop this contamination.

Backflow preventers are used to curtail any water from your property from returning into the main water supply. Not all homes need these devices but it is prudent to have your home inspected and backflow tested by a local sewer company. If a backflow preventer is needed, one can be installed and maintained with annual testing to ensure that it meets local, state and federal standards. It is the best way to help protect your local water supply from backflow contamination.

Posted on behalf of:
Kiddco Plumbing Inc
Sterling, VA
(703) 435-4441

Are You Following the Code for Backflow Prevention?

If you are on a city water line, there is most likely a backflow prevention device in your home. These devices ensure that the water in your home lines does not backflow into the main water supply. In most cases this is not an issue. The pressure from the main water supply is usually much greater than your home water lines, preventing backflow. However, it certain circumstances, this may not be the case so a backflow preventer can stop your water from entering the city water supply. In many cities, there are codes requiring homeowners to install and maintain a backflow preventer in their home, or face a penalty.

Why is a Backflow Preventer Needed?

You may be wondering why backflow prevention is such a big deal. What difference does it make if your water goes back into the main water supply? It is a way to avoid accidental contamination. For example, if the pressure is reduced from a main line break or other situation in the water supply, a suction can occur pulling water from every area of your home, even your irrigation system. This can inadvertently pull contaminants like fertilizers and pesticides into the community water system.

Meeting Local Backflow Prevention Codes

If you are not sure what the codes are in your city regarding backflow prevention, talk to your local sewer service provider. They can educate you on what is needed to meet city codes. This can involve installing a backflow preventer, having backflow testing and annual inspections. Most experienced sewer service providers can provide the needed installation, testing and inspections to ensure that your home is following the backflow prevention codes for your city.

Posted on behalf of:
Kiddco Plumbing Inc
Sterling, VA
(703) 435-4441

New Irrigation System? You May Need A Backflow Prevention Device

This is the time of year when many homeowners are dreaming of a lush, green lawn for the summer months ahead. If you are considering the installation of a new irrigation system to facilitate the growth of a beautiful lawn or have already done so, you may need to also install a backflow prevention device into your water lines. These devices are used to protect the water supply from potential contamination that can occur when water from your lawn irrigation backs up into the pipes. Preventing backflow from your irrigation is not just a responsibility; in many towns it is also the law.

Who Needs A BackFlow Prevention Device

Backflow from an irrigation system is dangerous, due to the possibility of chemicals and other dangerous contaminants from your lawn entering the water supply. In many municipalities, a backflow prevention device may be required at your home. Backflow can occur due to the home having higher water pressure than the municipal water system. This can be caused by high water usage, such as when a home has an irrigation system or when there is a broken pipe affecting the water pressure. A backflow prevention device prevents the water from flowing back into the pipes, protecting the water supply in these situations.

Many sewer and plumbing professionals offer backflow prevention device installation and testing. If you have an irrigation system or are planning to have one installed, you should contact an experienced contractor to discuss getting a backflow prevention device installed before you begin using your irrigation system this summer. It can protect your family, and even other families in your community, from exposure to harmful chemicals in the water supply.

Posted on behalf of Kiddco Plumbing, Inc.

Reasons Why You May Need A Backflow Preventer

A backflow preventer is a device that prevents the water in your home from flowing backwards into the water supply.  If you are on a municipal water supply line, a backflow prevention device protects the municipal water supply from being contaminated and if you are on a well, it protects your well from contamination.

Normally, water pressure from the municipal system or your well pump keeps the water in your home flowing in the right direction.  However, there can be a drop in the water pressure due to a break in the water line, heavy sudden usage, or a variety of other reasons.  When this happens, it is possible that water in the water lines in your home or business can flow backwards into the municipal system or into your well.  A backflow prevention device stops this from happening.

There are many federal, state and local regulations that  require backflow preventers to be installed.  These are primarily directed at businesses, but in some circumstances homeowners are required to install backflow preventers.  Check with your local government or water authority to see if a backflow prevention device is required for your home or business and avoid costly fines and penalties.

If you are on a well, a backflow preventer is an excellent way to prevent contamination of the well.  Once a well is contaminated it can be expensive and difficult to get it cleaned up.  Sometimes drilling a new well is required.

If you have a sprinkler system, you need a backflow preventer.  Yards are full of pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals that can easily get into your sprinkler system.  In the event of a backflow, these chemicals will flow into your water supply line and the municipal system or your well.  No only is there a possibility of contaminating the well or municipal water supply, but when the flow returns to the normal direction all that contaminated water in your water supply line will flow into your home.

If you need a backflow prevention device installed at your home, call a reputable local plumber who handles backflow testing and installation.