Problems With Your Septic System?

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A well maintained septic system is one of the best ways to ensure that you will not have to face the expensive cost of extensive repairs and replacement. Make water conservation a conscious effort such as only using the correct size of laundry cycle for the size of your load, spreading that laundry out over a period of several days instead of doing it all at once, using low flow faucet screens and high energy toilets.

It is also a good idea to filter all your washing machine discharge water, as common household lint is non-biodegradable. Make it a stringent household rule that nothing goes into the toilet or out a drain except what is biodegradable, and that includes chemicals. All chemicals should be prohibitive as they can disrupt the natural bacterial breakdown of the household waste in your septic tank. Finally, most importantly, get your septic tank pumped and inspected by your local septic professional every three to five years, or every year if you are using a garbage disposal.

Having done all of the above, how will you know if you are beginning to experience problems with your septic tank? Walk around your property occasionally and take care to notice anything unusual such as pooled, muddy, soil in the area of your tank or drainage field when there hasn’t been any rain. The smell of sewage around your property or in your home would warrant a call to your plumbing or septic professional, as well as frequent back-ups of water in your showers or toilets when doing laundry, etc. Also, having to get your septic tank pumped out too frequently is a sign that it is failing and should possibly be replaced.

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