Extending the Life of Your Septic System

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If you, like so many others, rely on a septic system instead of a municipal sewer line to dispose of your household waste water,  you should do your best to see that the septic system is maintained in order to work properly. Through the practicing of good habits, you can keep your septic system in good and working condition, and avoid any unwanted repairs for your septic systems.

It’s important to know that the right size tank is installed for your home – knowing the right size depends on the number of people living in your household. Septic systems can only handle so much waste and other debris, so the important thing is to minimize the amount of matter that is sent through the system, and to maximize that which is beneficial to it. You can achieve this by using low flow showerheads and toilets. Another benefit to your system is a dishwasher and washing machine that uses water more efficiently. Other ways to care for your system can be as simple as turning the water off while washing dishes or brushing your teeth.

By taking special care of the products you use, you can extend the life of your septic system, which uses a beneficial bacteria for breaking down waste. Some chemicals can harmful and kill the important bacteria.

Have your septic system inspected every other year and have the septic tank pumped and cleaned when necessary. A licensed professional can advise you on which cleaning products you should use. They can also seek their advice on how to extend the life of your septic system and other tips on how to care for it.

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