Family Rules for Your Septic System

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If you own a home with a septic system and having a growing family, you will need to have some family rules to avoid septic system problems. The fact is, if you don’t teach your kids from an early age what not to do when it comes to putting waste down the drain, it will most likely cost you a small fortune down the road. As soon as your kids are old enough to use the toilet or wash their hands themselves, they need to start learning these important rules for proper septic maintenance.

  • Flushing. Kids are known to flush items down the toilet that have no business going down the drain. This can cause problems in any home but it is even worse with a septic system. Make it very clear that nothing should be flushed down the toilet except bodily waste and toilet paper – that’s it. No cotton swabs, no ‘flushable’ wipes and certainly not an action figure!
  • No food down the drain. Teach your kids to scrape their plates and pans well before attempting to rinse their dishes. Fat, grease and many hard food items can cause harm to your septic as well as cause clogs in your pipes.
  • No chemicals or drugs down the drain. Your septic system has a bacterial balance that must be maintained in the tank for it to function properly. Harsh cleaning supplies, paint and even medications can destroy that balance, so teach your family to never dispose of chemicals or drugs down the drain.

On top of following the rules, having annual inspections and maintenance on your septic system can help prevent septic issues. Make sure to add calling your local septic service once a year to your family rules to increase the life of your septic system.

Posted on behalf of:
Metro Septic LLC
1210 N Tennessee St
Cartersville, GA 30120
(678) 873-7934

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