What Is Going Down Your Drains?

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When it comes to septic problems, the trouble may start in your home. Septic systems can perform without much assistance when they have the right elements in place. The most common problems occur from what goes down the drains in the home, creating clogs and other issues. Here are how some of the items that go down drains can interfere with your septic system.

Grease, Fats and Oils

Fatty substances are bad for your plumbing and even worse for your septic system. Too many fats, grease or oil can impact the balance of your septic tank. Grease and oily substances float to the top of the tank and can interfere with the breakdown and elimination process.

Plastic, Cotton and Paper Products

Plastic, rubber or cotton should never go down the drain. Most of this occurs in the toilets of your home. Paper and cardboard are also a bad idea. The only paper that should be flushed is toilet paper, and the less the better. This includes those “flushable” wipes that do not breakdown in a septic tank. All these items can create clogs and will fill up your tank faster.

Kitchen Culprits

On top of fats and grease, other kitchen culprits include:

  • Coffee grounds
  • Egg shells
  • Vegetable/fruit peels
  • Fibrous vegetables

Throw these items away or put them in a compost to keep them out of your septic system.

Chemicals and Medications

Chemicals can change the balance of bacteria and microbes in your septic tanks that are needed for proper waste breakdown. Medications like antibiotics can also impact this balance, and pills can get stuck in drain field pipe perforations.

Watching what goes down the drain can reduce how often you need your septic tank pumped and how frequently you have problems. Preventive measures and regular service from your local septic service can minimize issues and keep your septic system running smoothly.

Posted on behalf of:
Kiddco Plumbing Inc
Sterling, VA 20166
(703) 435-4441

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