Clearing Sewer and Drain Lines With Hydro Jetting

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High pressure hydro jetting is a modern technique for clearing many types of tough clogs from sewer lines and drain lines.  Hydro jetting shoots water pressurized to about 3,000 psi in a circular pattern through a special spray nozzle.  The nozzle and hose is inserted into the clogged line through a clean out and sprays the inside of the pipe with the highly pressurized water.

Hydro jetting breaks up and flushes away many types of clogs including tree roots, paper products, grease, sludge, and other debris.  The high pressure jets of water break up the clog and the debris flows down the drain line. Hydro jetting is done from “downstream” of the clog so that all of the material can be safely flushed out of the sewer line.

Hydro jetting can be more effective than clearing out a clog with a plumbing snake.  A plumbing snake punches through a clog, but it leaves a lot of material behind.  This leftover material is a great place for a new clog to start forming.  Hydro jetting removes all of the foreign material without damaging the inside of the pipe.  Hydro jetting leaves the inside of the pipe in nearly new condition.

Hydro jetting will remove all of the tree roots inside a pipe, but they will immediately start growing back again and a clog will form again in a few months or year.  Your sewer-septic professional will be able to help you choose from several options including chemical treatment to prevent or impede root growth or replacing that section of sewer line.

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