Is Your Drain Field Telling You it Is Sick?

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Day in and day out, your septic system and drain field are hard at work disposing of waste from your home. You may even forget you have a septic system since everything always seems to keep going on like clockwork. However, you need to pay attention to small signs that should be alerting you that there is a problem. Your drain field needs just the right conditions to work properly or it can malfunction and lead to a major septic failure. Here are some signs your drain field may be sick and needs repair right away.

  • Slow or clogged drains. Does it seem like you keep getting clogged drains or they seem slower than usual? It may not be in your plumbing at all, but instead be a sign that you septic is backing up due to a drain field problem.
  • Toilet issues. An overflowing toilet is usually a sign of a clogged drain as well, but not always. If you continuously have toilet issues, it is a hint that there is an issue with your septic system or drain field.
  • Bad odor. Even though your drain field cleanses waste, it should not smell foul. A bad odor is a bad sign and should warrant a call to a septic professional for an inspection.
  • Green, green grass. Has the grass above your drain field suddenly flourished, turning a brighter green than the rest of your yard? While it may look nice, it is not a healthy sign for your drain field.

If you notice any of these signs, or see excess water pooling above your drain field, call your local septic service. You may have a major issue with your drain field that needs immediate attention to prevent an expensive septic failure.

Posted on behalf of:
Metro Septic LLC
1210 N Tennessee St
Cartersville, GA 30120
(678) 873-7934

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