Daily Tricks For A Long Lasting Septic System

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If you own a home with a septic system, the biggest fear is needing to replace that system. Having a new septic installed can be very expensive, as well as inconvenient. However, there are tricks to keeping your existing system working well for many years to come. While regular maintenance and pumping from your local septic service company are important, there are things your family can do every day to reduce wear on your septic system.

What Goes Down The Drain Must Come Out

Anything that goes down the drain must be processed by your septic system. One of the simplest ways to increase the life of a septic system is to have house rules on water usage. Never leave water running to go straight down the drain. Have a container that fits into your kitchen sink to rinse vegetables and dishes. Then dispose of the water outside or water your houseplants with it. Teach your entire family tricks to conserve water and reduce the impact on your septic system. Other tricks include being aware of:

  • Garbage disposals. Be very careful with what you put into your garbage disposal. High fiber vegetable or fruit  peels, grease, coffee grounds and other difficult to process items can wreak havoc on a septic system. Try starting a compost pile for some of these items instead of putting them through the disposal.
  • Leaks and drips. Make sure to fix dripping or leaking faucets promptly to reduce the amount of water going down the drain.
  • Water efficient fixtures. Change your water fixtures such as toilets, shower heads and faucets to water efficient options in order to reduce the amount of water you use.

Allowing less water and debris to go down the drains of your home every day can make a big difference on the longevity of your septic system. Combined with regular septic tank pumping by your local septic company, you can extend the life of septic by many years.

Posted on behalf of Bynum & Sons Plumbing, Inc.

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